Your donation of any amount makes an immediate and lasting difference!
AND (Artist New Dimension) STUDIO
Programming/selection process is by ongoing submissions presented by artists, curators or groups. Exhibitions are selected by the Director according to the strength of the artistic merit and relevance to the broader understanding of contemporary Aboriginal art. We programme a wide variety of contemporary artistic practice including two and three dimensional works, media/new media and performance based art. Urban Shaman currently has three curated exhibition spaces. These include our 3000 sq. ft Main Gallery, the 300 sq. ft Marvin Francis Media Art Gallery and the 250 sq. ft Artist New Dimension (AND) Studio. All artists are paid according to the CARFAC recommended fee schedule with the only exception being the annual 50-500 members show.
Urban Shaman provides shipping/transportation of artworks one-way, for out-of-town artists we provide a daily per diem, artist transportation, and accommodation for exhibition installation and opening. We also engage in a wide variety of dissemination/discourse activities through artist talks, symposia, publications and digital/internet technologies. Artist, writer and reproduction fees are paid for all dissemination activities. Our priorities constitute programming artists whose work hinges on experimentation in form and content. This includes artists at all levels of professional practice, whose work shows a high degree of aesthetic maturity and rigour.
Proposals are accepted on a continual basis and submissions should be addressed to:
Urban Shaman: Contemporary Aboriginal Art
203-290 McDermot Avenue,
Winnipeg, MB, R3B 0T2
Or contact
Include the following:
- Artist Statement (1 – 2 paragraphs)
- Artist Bio
- Artistic Activities / Resume C.V. (1 – 2 pages)
- Artist Proposal
Including space and equipment requirements and a description outlining proposed work (1 – 2 Paragraphs) - Support Material
Digital – 10 to 20 images of proposed or recent work. Images must be MAC compatible with a minimum resolution of 72 dpi, 1024 x 768 pixel, 500k, RGB Audio/Visual – Do not exceed 10 min of running time.
URL – only applicable for artwork that is specifically created for the Internet Printed material – Publications, reviews, or other support material (optional)Ensure that all support material is properly labeled in the order of viewing and adheres to our submission guidelines - Support Material may be sent by a cloud-based computer file transfer service such as WeTransfer or Dropbox, OR by postal services which would include hard copy images or digital images on a flash drive. Include a S.A.S.E. (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope) if you wish to have your material returned by mail.
For more information please contact us at 204.942.2674 or email
Disclaimer: Urban Shaman is not responsible for lost items. Also, if sufficient postage is not included on a self-addressed stamped envelope, the materials will not be returned.