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Reaching Our Relatives Project

Reaching Our Relatives Project

Artist(s): Bret Parenteau, Kris Snowbird, Niamh Dooley
Start: July 1, 2021 3:58 pm
End: March 31, 2022 12:00 am
Galleries: Offsite Online
Artist: Bret Parenteau
Title: Music for Treaty 4 Territory
Location: performance & workshop at Pine Creek First Nation, Manitoba

Live Streamed Performance: Thursday, July 8, 2021 (on Urban’s website till July 2022) at 9pm at Pine Creek First Nation, Manitoba

This performance is continuation of 2020 release “Zhiishiibi-Zhiibiing” (Released on Absurd Exposition).. field recordings taken across Treaty 4 Territory paired with sonic soundscapes and ambience. Moving away from the sounds taken from 52.1757° N, 100.1496° W (the edge of Duck Bay) we make room for the more obscure taken across the land. Music for Treaty 4 Territory!

Bret Parenteau is a sound artist based in Winnipeg. Under the initials B.P., Parenteau has released a steady amount of work crafting his formula of noise, field recording, & tape manipulation across Canada, US & internationally.

Special Thanks to the Parenteau Family, Louisa Snowbird, the Pine Creek First Nation Community, the Government of Manitoba – Indigenous and Northern Relations, Robert Snowbird, Kris Snowbird and Theo Pelmus.

workshop/talk to be viewed here soon


Artist: Kris Snowbird
Title: Dancing in the Dark
Location: mural piece in Norway House, Manitoba

Artist Statement

My work comes from the way I was raised.

What I was taught; the Indian way of life.

I like the spiritual art to learn what to do.

To preserve Native customs and the way of life of the people

Listen to legends of long ago;

A lot of people survived a lot of hardship.

Now we are strong.


Tanokiiwen oji say

Kakii inji obakeeann

Ka Keeishin Keenaugmaagowan

Anishinabe Pimatiziewan

Ni Minatan Mamaadaawiziwin

Chi Kendaman aneehchootaman

Chi Pimatchtoowang Anesheenaban Izhitwaa

Shigoo Kakeeish Bimatizen Anishinabe

Atsokanun Chibisintaming Mayeeyashi onji

Nibawin Anishinabe Kibapee Sinagozeewan

Mizhago kizookisimin

Kris Snowbird is an emerging multi-disciplinary artist working in visual and performance art, photography and filmmaking. She is from Pine Creek First Nation and of Cree and Ojibwe descent. In 2015, she participated in the Foundation Mentorship Program at Mentoring Women for Women’s Art (MAWA), working one on one with curator, Natalia Lebedinskaia. Snowbird created her first short film SWEAT in 2016, which was funded by the Winnipeg Film Group’s Mosaic Women’s Film Fund. Since 2016, SWEAT is currently been presented on the digital media art platform, VUCAVU and touring around the world at film festivals like that of the 2016 Gimli Film Festival (Gimli, MB), Native Spirit Film Festival (London, England); in 2017, VIMAF (Vancouver, BC), Hot Docs, (Toronto, ON), Asinabka Film & Media Arts Festival (Ottawa, ON), St. John’s International Women’s Film Festival (St. John’s, NL), ReFrame Film Festival (Peterborough, ON), Grande rencontre des arts médiatiques en Gaspésie (Percé, QC); and in 2019 Cinéma Oblò, (Lausanne, Switzerland), Cinéma Spoutnik, (Geneva, Switzerland) and the Canadian Film Institute (Ottawa, ON). Snowbird has performed with her collaborator and partner, Theo Pelmus, at each of the 2015, 2016, and 2017 Winnipeg Nuit Blanche events, as well as the 2017 LIVE Biennale of Performance Art (Vancouver, BC).

Images by Joy Balmana. Courtesy of Synonym Art Consultation


Artist: Niamh Dooley
Title: Heart to Ancestors and the Land, 2018
Location: mural piece & workshop in Roseau River, Manitoba

From the series “heart to the ancestors and the land/ehema nintehi mikowinduhwihkow nitankoopabanak ekes meena kitakiiminan”

Original artwork oil on canvas with branches, beads, and animal hide 2018

Self-portrait of the artist wearing her mother’s ribbon dress, with red seed beads stemming from her fingers resembling veins coming from the heart and initially installed with five branches along the bottom of the canvas to the ground, representing roots. The canvas the original piece is painted on, is in the shape of a ribbon skirt, traditionally the skirt would reach down to the ground being connected to the land. This piece represents the artist’s current journey of learning more about her culture from her ancestors and her maternal bloodline and continuing this knowledge to future generations.

Images by Joy Balmana. Courtesy of Synonym Art Consultation